"Go Back to School" Project

Project Objective:

“Go Back to School” project aims to enhance the quality of education among young people while providing a platform for out-of-school children to access quality education.

At Boby’s Charity Foundation, we’re driven by the belief that education holds the power to unlock a world of possibilities. This conviction is at the heart of our “Go Back to School” project, a comprehensive initiative designed to tackle the challenges faced by young learners in underserved communities. It’s more than just providing basic supplies; it’s about creating a holistic support system that empowers students to reach their full potential.

Current Activities:

Provision of Educational Materials

Our project understands that a lack of essential supplies can be a significant barrier to education. Recently, we provided school bags, writing materials, and uniforms to Wisdom and Joy Asume, siblings attending Father Sadiku Primary School in Ajegunle-Apapa, Lagos. This seemingly simple act can have a profound impact. Imagine the difference between attending class with a sturdy bag to hold your notebooks and the frustration of having to improvise with torn plastic bags. Imagine the boost of confidence that comes with a brand-new uniform, a symbol of belonging and pride in your educational journey. For Wisdom and Joy, and countless other students like them, the “Go Back to School” project removes these obstacles, allowing them to focus on what truly matters – learning.

After-School Programs (Bridging the Gap)

The “Go Back to School” project recognizes that not all children have equal access to quality education. Some children may never have been enrolled in formal schooling, while others might be struggling within the limitations of overcrowded classrooms or under-resourced schools. To address this gap, we’ve launched after-school classes specifically designed for over 70 children from Basic 3 to Basic 6. These free classes provide essential support and additional resources, allowing students to fill in knowledge gaps, receive personalized attention, and develop a stronger foundation for academic success.

Hygiene Promotion

Our commitment extends beyond equipping individual students. We understand that a clean and healthy learning environment is crucial for fostering concentration and a positive attitude towards education. That’s why we recently donated wastebaskets and brooms to Father Sadiku Primary School. A clean and organized learning space fosters a sense of well-being and respect, paving the way for a more productive and enjoyable learning experience.

Nutrition Support

The project acknowledges the well-established link between proper nutrition and academic performance. We’ve implemented a program to distribute nutritious food items to students. This ensures that children have the energy and focus needed to absorb new concepts and actively participate in class. A healthy diet also plays a vital role in overall well-being, allowing students to stay healthy and present in school, maximizing their learning potential.

Future Endeavors:

  1. Expansion of Educational Support: The project will continue to identify and support more students in need, providing them with essential educational materials, uniforms, and other necessary resources.
  2. Increased Hygiene Initiatives: Further initiatives will be implemented to promote hygiene in schools, including sanitation workshops, provision of hygiene kits, and regular maintenance of facilities.
  3. Curriculum Enhancement: Efforts will be made to improve the quality of education through curriculum enhancement, teacher training programs, and the integration of innovative teaching methodologies.
  4. Youth Empowerment: Equip young people with the necessary skill to excel academically in and off their classrooms.
  5. Community Engagement: Collaboration with local communities, parents, and stakeholders will be strengthened to ensure the sustainability and success of the project. This includes raising awareness about the importance of education and encouraging community involvement in supporting students’ learning journeys.


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